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6.1.3 table count/group on criteria

(→ 5 min 20 s into Simon Tournier presentation)

The arguments-vs-import.scm file shown below demonstrate some more sophisticated selection and grouping of packages, and can be passed to guix repl like so :

$ guix repl -- arguments-vs-import.scm

Its interpretation will output a table similar to the one show below the script-file content, giving the number of packages which “tweak” their arguments to the build and the number of packages which don’t, all grouped by build-system types.

arguments-vs-import.scm file content :

(use-modules (guix)
             (ice-9 match))

(define table (make-hash-table))

(fold-packages (lambda (package result)
                 (let ((bs (build-system-name
                             (package-build-system package)))
                       (arg (package-arguments package)))
                   (match (hash-ref result bs)
                          ((tot wo wi)
                           (if (null? arg)
                             (hash-set! result bs (list
                                                    (1+ tot)
                                                    (1+ wo)
                             (hash-set! result bs (list
                                                    (1+ tot)
                                                    (1+ wi)))))
                          (#f (if (null? arg)
                                (hash-set! result bs (list 1 1 0))
                                (hash-set! result bs (list 1 0 1))))
                          (_ (format #t "Error: ~s~%" (package-name package))))

(define fmt "~13s: ~4s = ~4s = ~4s + ~4s~%")
(format #t fmt
        'key 'tot 'tot 'no-arguments 'arguments)
(hash-for-each-handle (lambda (kv)
                       (match kv
                              ((key . value)
                               (match value
                                      ((tot wo wi)
                                       (format #t fmt
                                               (+ wo wi)
                                               tot wo wi))))))

call from shell and output :

$ cd ~/tmp/10-years-of-guix
$ guix repl -- guix-repl-and-beyond.scm
key          : tot  = tot  = no-arguments + arguments
ocaml        : 57   = 57   = 0    + 57
haskell      : 721  = 721  = 504  + 217
clojure      : 11   = 11   = 0    + 11
[skipping for clarity]
meson        : 442  = 442  = 89   + 353
texlive      : 143  = 143  = 0    + 143
python       : 2619 = 2619 = 797  + 1822
binary       : 14   = 14   = 0    + 14